A Not So Merry Christmas Murder - Part 2

     Nellie had never wanted to be a detective, though she had always fancied that she would be quite good at it. But her best friend had just been murdered, so she didn't really have a choice at this point. 


     Nellie had borrowed all of Uncle Gard's Sherlock Homes books last year, so she knew enough to tell everyone not to touch the body. Which means, of course, all the guests started poking the corpse, pulling out the murder weapon, and ripping up a bookcase to make a coffin. So, Nellie started doing the only thing she could do, look for clues. Frustratingly, there was too much commotion for her to even get near the body. It was time for a new strategy. Nellie was going to try and interview suspects. She decided to start with Agnes and Agatha. 


 It was all for not though, and just as she had determined that they had not been the perpetrators, the clock struck 9.  Instantly, a horde of guests started trudging towards the door and began putting on coats. Nellie waved goodbye as carriages and automobiles rolled up to the house and then away into the pouring rain. 

Because, did I forget to mention? It was a murder mystery party! You didn't think anyone had actually been killed, right???



  1. ooh, plot twist! pretty good acting skills on Samantha's part, haha

    1. Thanks! Samantha thinks she's a pretty good actor too!

  2. I was not expecting that plot twist! A murder mystery party is 100% something Samantha and Nellie would do tho. I loved this. :D

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I had a great time writing it!


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